Queensland fruit fly & male annihilation technique (MAT)
MAT – male annihilation technique – is an “attract and kill” strategy for male flies. The aim is to reduce male fly populations to low levels, reducing the mating opportunities for females. There are several different MAT types available, different shapes and sizes, and with different insecticides.
Queensland fruit fly treatment calendar
Want to know how to integrate your treatment options for fruit fly? Transitioning from cover spray to bait spraying? This seasonal calendar shows treatment options for Queensland fruit fly as well as other vineyard pests, and identifies the importance of adding bait spraying into your integrated pest management (IPM) program.
Queensland fruit fly treatment factsheet
Bait spraying is the most reliable and integrated pest management friendly way to reduce Queensland fruit fly numbers in a vineyard. This factsheet explores the “what, why and how” of Queensland fruit fly treatment options, including how to add bait spraying into your Queensland fruit fly treatment program.