Australian Table Grape Association Inc.
3/120 Eighth Street, Mildura
Talk to us
(03) 5021 5718
Perfect growing conditions, along with state of the art technology and specialist growing practices, have enabled growers to produce more than 40 varieties of table grapes in our major growing regions. Our grapes are renowned for being crisp, fresh, juicy and sweet, with growers and exporters supplying premium fruit to consumers Australia-wide and around the world.
Table grapes are carefully harvested by hand when both berry size and sugar levels are at their peak. Hand-picking and in-field packing allows growers to preserve their grapes’ premium quality.
All growers, packers and exporters have a rigorous post-harvest management and quality assurance systems in place to manage quality and traceability across the supply chain.
Geospatial mapping developed specifically for the table grape industry ensures traceability back to the registered grower and block number.
To further maximise consumer acceptability, the Australian table grape industry implemented national maturity standards for the domestic and export market last year to ensure table grape varieties were picked at the optimum time to ensure fruit quality.
3/120 Eighth Street, Mildura
(03) 5021 5718