
About ATGA

About ATGA

The Australian Table Grape Association (ATGA) is the peak industry body representing the
nation’s table grape industry.

We’re cultivating a stronger, sustainable future for the table grape industry by:

The ATGA was established in the early 2000s and has supported and facilitated significant growth over the past 15 years through its partnership with research and development corporation Hort Innovation, government, research institutions, industry and the table grape supply chain.

The ATGA is a registered not-for-profit under the Victorian Association Incorporated Act 1985, and a national body with the Australian Security and Investments Commission. Our board of directors is appointed in accordance with the ATGA constitution. Our chief executive officer (CEO) acts as a primary point of contact for communications and coordination within industry, led by our chair and delegates from each state and territory that produce table grapes. The executive positions allow for one delegate for every eight per cent of production, with a minimum of one per state or territory.

The levy system

Australia’s table grape growers pay a statutory levy of 1 cent per kilogram of table grapes produced, which is collected by the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Levies Revenue Service (LRS).

Those funds are passed on to research and development corporation Hort Innovation.
Hort Innovation works with the table grape industry to deliver strategic investments in R&D and marketing programs. Industry specific Strategic Investment Advisory Panels (SIAPs) provide consultation and advice on the industry and where investments should be made to support increased productivity, profitability and competitiveness.

Once our growers’ money is invested, the Australian Government contributes to R&D investments by making a contribution using public money – though marketing levy investments do not receive the same contribution.


There is no membership required for levy-paying table grape growers, but non-growers can apply to become associate members of the ATGA.

Contact us for information.