
Vine health

Effects of agrichemicals on beneficial insects

Beneficial insects and the impact of some pesticides on grapes: at a glance

As an extension of the Beneficial insects and the toxicity of pesticides guide released by the Australian Table Grape Association, Cherry Growers Australia and Summerfruit ...

Beneficial insects and the toxicity of some pesticides guide

Beneficial insects can be broadly defined as pollinators, predatory mites, predatory beetles and parasitoids. Agricultural chemicals can often have a negative impact on these beneficial ...
Maximum residue limits


The ATGA has developed an MRL app for the Australian table grape industry. ATGA MRLs Search provides real-time information on maximum residue limits (MRLs) and ...

Maximising postharvest carbohydrate storage

Growing a crop is exhausting – for the grapevine. Nurturing vines through autumn helps maximise their performance in spring. After growing a heavy crop, table ...
Pest & disease control
Queensland fruit fly

Bait Like a Boss part 4: Growers and their baiting journeys

Direct from the growers themselves, hear how table grape growers and technical specialists are using bait spraying as part of their integrated pest and disease ...

Factsheet: Managing Queensland fruit fly using MAT

Male annihilation technique (MAT) is a tool used to suppress Queensland fruit fly populations. Download our factsheet about how to use MAT in table grape ...

ATGA launches low-cost Qfly control initiative for growers

Australian table grape producers can now order low-cost attract-and-kill Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) lures, as part of an ATGA initiative to encourage area-wide management in ...

On-farm Queensland fruit fly management – presentation

Brett Irvine runs Irvine Horticultural Management Services, a technical service provider for the table grape industry. Brett has operated vineyards and provided agronomy services in ...

Bait Like a Boss: Part 3 – Where to land bait

Want to Bait Like a Boss? You need to know where to land bait! Watch part 3 of our Bait Like a Boss video series ...

Bait Like a Boss: Part 2 – Recognising fruit flies and their damage

Understanding fruit fly behaviour, and how to bait spray for control, is an essential part of any table grape producer’s integrated pest and disease management ...

Bait Like a Boss: Part 1 – What’s in fruit fly bait?

Understanding fruit fly behaviour, and how to bait spray for control, is an essential part of any table grape producer’s integrated pest and disease management ...

Queensland fruit fly & male annihilation technique (MAT)

MAT – male annihilation technique – is an “attract and kill” strategy for male flies. The aim is to reduce male fly populations to low ...

Queensland fruit fly treatment calendar

Want to know how to integrate your treatment options for fruit fly? Transitioning from cover spray to bait spraying? This seasonal calendar shows treatment options ...

Queensland fruit fly treatment factsheet

Bait spraying is the most reliable and integrated pest management friendly way to reduce Queensland fruit fly numbers in a vineyard. This factsheet explores the ...

Queensland fruit fly treatment cost calculator

Will you bait spray or cover spray Qfly this season? How long will it take, and what is the labour cost? Download the work rate ...
Powdery mildew

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Downy mildew

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Restricted spring growth

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Spray application & sprayer maintenance

Optimising Spray Application Part 3: Droplets

Droplet size matters. In Part 3 of our Optimising Spray Application video series, Alison MacGregor and New Zealand spray application expert David Manktelow explore droplets ...

Optimising Spray Application Part 2: Targets

Understanding targets when you’re setting up your sprayer is key to improving spray application. As the canopy changes through the season, targets change and so ...

Optimising Spray Application Part 1: Basic Principles

Growers spend a lot of time and money on their spray program, so enhancing spray application in vineyards is critical. The ATGA produced a series ...

Early season sprayer maintenance tips

An integral but often-forgotten part of a spray program is the maintenance required and upkeep. Here we hear from table grape producers and machinery providers ...

Sprayer maintenance checklist

Faulty sprayers can be the cause of disease and lost crop. Time spent on sprayer maintenance is time well-spent. Download the ATGA’s sprayer maintenance checklist, ...