Beneficial insects and the impact of some pesticides on grapes: at a glance

As an extension of the Beneficial insects and the toxicity of pesticides guide released by the Australian Table Grape Association, Cherry Growers Australia and Summerfruit Australia Limited, the ATGA condensed the guide to form an at-a-glance, one-page resource on the toxicity of a small selection of commonly used agrichemical products on table grapes.

This list is not exhaustive and these resources are regularly being updated. Some products may not be registered in all states. Check labels.

This resource was produced as part of a project funded by Agriculture Victoria’s Food to Market Program.

Last updated: June 2024

DISCLAIMER: Use of the information contained in this document is at your own risk and the Consortium (Cherry Growers of Australia, Summerfruit Australia Limited and Australian Table Grape Association) and/or Agriculture Victoria will not be liable to you for any loss, damage, claim, expense, cost (including legal costs), or other liability arising in any way out of or in connection with your reliance on or use of the information herein and hereby disclaims any and all liability to the maximum extent permitted by law.



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