During the 2021/22 season, one of the most challenging seasons Australian table grape growers have faced recently, the ATGA partnered with Agriculture Victoria to trial world-class traceability practices across the table grape supply chain. This montage video follows each of our pilot partners and supply chain members who worked seamlessly to help integrate the traceability system, and explores the benefits this innovation brings to consumers, businesses and to the industry at large.
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During the 2021/22 season, one of the most challenging seasons Australian table grape growers have faced recently, the @Australian Table Grape Association partnered with @Agriculture Victoria to trial world-class traceability practices across the table grape supply chain. This montage video follows each of our pilot partners, and supply chain members who worked seamlessly to help integrate the traceability system, and explores the benefits this innovation brings to consumers, businesses and to the industry at large.
With global markets increasingly placing more regulations on primary producers, and consumers demanding greater transparency about where their food comes from, traceability will soon be less buzzword, and more a necessary reality for Australian fresh produce suppliers.
#Aussiegrapes #TablegrapesAU #Tablegrapestraceabilitypilot
Over the 2021/22 season, 1 of the most difficult Aussie table grape growers have faced recently, @ATGAHortnetwork partnered with @VicGovAg to trial traceability practices across the supply chain. Here we unite our partners to discuss rewards for consumers, businesses & industry.