

Australia’s table grape industry is a major employer of Australian and seasonal labour.

Looking after workers is essential to the future profitability and sustainability of Australian agriculture.

Being able to demonstrate fair treatment will help growers ensure they can attract high quality, repeat labour. Workplace laws have evolved to protect potentially vulnerable workers and increasing scrutiny, regulations, fines and market demands must be understood and adhered to by growers.

Australian table grape growers have faced significant difficulties in securing workers as a result of international border closures due to Covid-19. The ATGA has been working solidly over the past 18 months with state and federal governments to establish solutions for growers.

Australian table grape industry seasonal worker video tools

The Australian Table Grape Association’s Harvesting Greatness series showcases the importance of seasonal work in the Australian table grape industry. In the following films, we give viewers an immersive experience, exploring the process of how table grapes are picked, packed and prepared for market. 

This project was funded through the Victorian Government’s Seasonal Worker Industry Support Program (SWISP).

Note: Films 2 & 3 are 360° films. If you are viewing these in your web browser, drag your mouse to move around the screen and follow the action. If you are accessing on your mobile device, open the YouTube app to ensure you can view the film in 360°.

Introduction to the Australian table grape industry

Workers new to the table grape industry often have no understanding of what’s involved, the regions table grapes are grown in, the facilities and support available for workers, or tasks required. This spotlight on industry provides a taste of the industry, from picking, to the lifestyle, and much more.

Picking grapes in the vineyard

The following film explores the process of harvesting grapes in the vineyard – from bunch snipping and assembling boxes, to safe work practices and working in the great Australian outback.

Packing and preparing grapes for market

The following film explores the process of packing and preparing grapes for from when they reach the packing shed to when they leave the property – from pre-cooling grapes and operating in the busy packing shed, to sealing and lidding boxes, and stacking and wrapping pallets.


If you are a grower looking for workers, please create a listing for the position at the government’s Harvest Trail website. This is a free service.

To find out information on piecework rate and establishing an agreement with your workers, visit the Fair Work Ombudsman’s piecework agreement tool.

You can also download our labour information sheets here.

Looking for work?

If you are looking for seasonal work, please visit the Harvest Trail website or contact a Harvest Labour Service provider for more information.


We recommend you do not show up to a farm, even if an employer has listed a job.

You can learn about seasonal work in Sunraysia’s horticulture industries here.

Want to learn about the responsibilities of your employer? Or learn about your own rights and responsibilities as an employee? Take a look at our information sheet on being an employee here, or find out more information on employers’ requirements here.