RUBY RUSH® brand (Sugrafiftythree) These radiant red seedless grapes are like juicy, crunchy jewels in your mouth. Early red seedless grapes with oval-elongated, deep red berries. Its early harvest window and ability to colour naturally sets this variety apart from others. Berries are firm and juicy, with a fruity aroma that holds up well in […]

ARRA Mystic Dream is an extremely fertile, rain tolerant variety with extra-large, abundant bunches. The big, sweet, thin-skinned berries, with their meaty texture, provide a remarkable eating experience. Ripening late in the season with full natural black colour and beautiful bloom, ARRA Mystic Dream has excellent on the vine hanging ability and extended shelf life.”

AUTUMNCRISP® brand (Sugrathirtyfive variety) is a late season green seedless, harvested November to May. AUTUMNCRISP® brand grapes offer an unforgettable eating experience. Its large cluster with firm giant green berries are crisp bursting with sweet flavour and a subtle hint of muscat.

A mid-to-late season alternative to Crimson, Carlita™ (Sheegene 25) produces very large and loose, long bunches of extra large berries. Its unique shape and bright red colour are complemented by a sweet neutral and fruity flavour.

Dawn Seedless berries are golden, medium in size, oval and seedless with a tough skin that can be difficult to chew, but have a firm, dense flesh. Bunches are usually short, conical to pyramidal, very uniform and well-filled to slightly compact. Mainly produced in Western Australia, with pockets in the Greater Sunraysia region.

This variety results from the crossing between Thompson Seedless, Cardinal, and other varieties. Flame Seedless displays typical medium-sized, round and deep red, seedless berries. Bunches are medium to large, conical and well filled. The berries have a crisp skin, and firm, crunchy but juicy pulp, with a sweet-tart flavour. It is typically consumed fresh or […]

Ivory™ (Sheegene 21) is an early season ripening variety, producing extra large, uniform green seedless berries with a crisp texture and sweet neutral flavour. An alternative to Menindee (Sugraone), Ivory™ has strong vine vigour and stores well.

A large, oval seedless grape with light green skin and a crisp, fresh-tasting flesh. Harvested from November to January (weeks 44–5), Menindee Seedless are considered one of the best eating grapes.

Sun World’s bold MIDNIGHT BEAUTY® brand table grapes are produced from cv. Sugrathirteen, Sugrathirtyfour, Sugrafortyeight and/or Sugrafortynine grapevines. Local fruit is available in Australia from November to June. MIDNIGHT BEAUTY® brand grapes’ berries burst with decadently sweet flavour.

Ralli Seedless is an early season red seedless, pale pink to red in colour. Ralli Seedless produce medium conical bunches of elliptical berries, large in size with thick, tough skin, firm crisp flesh, with a neutral and mild muscat flavour. Ralli Seedless stores very well.