Maximising postharvest carbohydrate storage
Growing a crop is exhausting – for the grapevine. Nurturing vines through autumn helps maximise their performance in spring. After growing a heavy crop, table grape vines need to recover and start storing carbohydrate andnutrient reserves, so postharvest care is an important consideration. How can you assess carbohydrate reserves? Starch is stored as tiny granules […]
Optimising Spray Application Part 3: Droplets

Droplet size matters. In Part 3 of our Optimising Spray Application video series, Alison MacGregor and New Zealand spray application expert David Manktelow explore droplets – droplet size, droplet behaviour, the term spray quality, and how all that comes together to determine the success of your coverage.
Optimising Spray Application Part 2: Targets

Understanding targets when you’re setting up your sprayer is key to improving spray application. As the canopy changes through the season, targets change and so adjusting your air and water is critical to ensuring the target is always met.
Optimising Spray Application Part 1: Basic Principles

Growers spend a lot of time and money on their spray program, so enhancing spray application in vineyards is critical. The ATGA produced a series of videos on optimising vineyard spray application as a result of some spray application workshops hosted in 2022. The first of these videos looks at the big picture, and the […]
Beneficial insects and the impact of some pesticides on grapes: at a glance

As an extension of the Beneficial insects and the toxicity of pesticides guide released by the Australian Table Grape Association, Cherry Growers Australia and Summerfruit Australia Limited, the ATGA condensed the guide to form an at-a-glance, one-page resource on the toxicity of a small selection of commonly used agrichemical products on table grapes. This list […]
Beneficial insects and the toxicity of some pesticides guide

Beneficial insects can be broadly defined as pollinators, predatory mites, predatory beetles and parasitoids. Agricultural chemicals can often have a negative impact on these beneficial species. The effects of these agrichemicals may be different for different insect groups. Cherry Growers Australia, the Australian Table Grape Association, and Summerfruit Australia Limited have worked to create a […]
Early season sprayer maintenance tips

An integral but often-forgotten part of a spray program is the maintenance required and upkeep. Here we hear from table grape producers and machinery providers about their early season maintenance tips.
Sprayer maintenance checklist

Faulty sprayers can be the cause of disease and lost crop. Time spent on sprayer maintenance is time well-spent. Download the ATGA’s sprayer maintenance checklist, compiled by Alison MacGregor for growers. Revised 2022.

The ATGA has developed an MRL app for the Australian table grape industry. ATGA MRLs Search provides real-time information on maximum residue limits (MRLs) and withholding periods (WHPs) for both domestic and export markets. With an easy-to-use interface, growers can use the app anywhere and anytime due to its offline capability. The app provides access […]