Pick of the Bunch • 27 January 2022

In this Pick of the Bunch: Traceability site sneak peek $68.4m traceability boost Backpacker visa incentives Speak up on Qfly Automated packaging solution What’s happening in the vineyard? Events The mixed bunch Pick of the apps


Our Supply Chain

In this animation we take a look at the role of the table grape supply chain and the importance of embracing traceability practices.
Available in 5 languages
Discover the power of product verification

Our QR code social tile can be shared on all your social networks to encourage scanning. Show your community what supply chain members and consumers see when they scan the GS1 Digital Link enabled QR code.
Jeff Scott

Jeff is the ATGA’s only CEO, having been in the position since 2005, shortly after the ATGA was formed.
Our Industry

Australian Table Grape Association CEO Jeff Scott speaks about how valuable the traceability pilot project is for industry.
Available in 5 languages