The ATGA will welcome three new board members representing Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Zoë Dichiera, Robert Nugan and Anthony Cirillo were nominated by their regional associations and appointed to the board last night at the ATGA’s annual general meeting.
Zoë will become the delegate for Queensland.
Zoë is the commercial manager of Borderland Queensland Farm and Borderland (based in Victoria).
She has been involved in the industry for about 16 years, alongside her husband Nelson and his family’s property.
Zoe is the first woman to be appointed to the ATGA board. She said she looked forward to the opportunity.
“It will be good to use a creative way of thinking,” she said. “We’re all on the same page. We’re all coming together for the common good of the industry, and we all have the same aspirations.”
Robert Nugan will join the board as a Victorian delegate.
Robert is the executive chairman of Fresh Produce Group, which he established in 1991.
Robert has been involved in horticulture all his life and was “born and bred in the industry”, having started his career as a child working on his family’s citrus farm.
He was nominated to the board for his significant industry experience and skillset.
“I love the table grape industry,” Robert said. “Everyone has to give their time, and I’m hoping it’ll be an enjoyable journey.”
New South Wales gains Anthony Cirillo as a new state delegate. Anthony is a fourth generation grape grower. He and his family are now table grape grower-exporters. Their business Cirillo Farms is based in Paringi, NSW, with farms spread across Sunraysia.
They also have a transport and logistics wing of the business, Cirillo Transport.
“I’m very passionate about the table grape industry and always have been,” Anthony said. “I would like to help out in any way I can.”
Mark Leng has stepped down as state delegate for Queensland, and CEO Jeff Scott thanked Mark for his valued contribution to the board during his tenure.