PALM scheme consultation

Are you an Approved Employer or have you used workers under the PALM Scheme?

The Australian Government has decided to consolidate the domestic (onshore) delivery of the PALM scheme within the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR).

This means, following consultations and planning, gradually transferring the functions and responsibilities that support domestic delivery from the Pacific Labour Facility (PLF) to DEWR.

This transfer aims to provide stronger oversight of the operations of the scheme within the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations’ portfolio.

DEWR, in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), is consulting with stakeholders and invites feedback to inform the design of the domestic PALM delivery model, and invites table grape industry members who are users of the scheme to provide feedback.

You can read more about the transition process here.

If you’d like to provide feedback about what has worked, what could be improved or any other suggestions, click to download the feedback form here and email to by Friday 20 January.



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