Trapping efficacy in table grape vineyards for area-wide management of Queensland fruit fly (final report)

Managing Qfly in table grape vineyards has presented a major challenge in recent years, particularly in Greater Sunraysia (Victoria) where around 70% of Australian table grapes are grown. With the withdrawal of several pesticides that previously controlled this pest, an urgent need has arisen for a toolkit of technologies and practices to effectively manage Qfly both on-farm and through an area-wide approach.

As part of TG19001 – Trapping efficacy in table grape vineyards for area-wide management of Queensland fruit fly – the Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions conducted four case studies in commercial vineyards, together with additional experimental work, to better understand how mass trapping might be employed in the management of Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) in table grapes.



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