ATGA launches low-cost Qfly control initiative for growers

Australian table grape producers can now order low-cost attract-and-kill Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) lures, as part of an ATGA initiative to encourage area-wide management in south-east growing regions this season.

The Australian Table Grape Association has accessed 10,000 Bugs for Bugs MAT cups – pheromone lures – for table grape producers to install, for the suppression of Qfly this season.

The ATGA will subsidise the cost of the MAT cups to encourage producers to undertake area-wide management, and keep Qfly out of vineyards from October to December. Seasonal modelling predicts Qfly populations in Sunraysia are likely to be high across the 2024/25 season, due to a high number of flies surviving over winter.

Each MAT cup costs $1.65 inc. GST.

This product usually retails for $3.56 inc. GST. The ATGA has subsidised a stock of Bugs for Bugs MAT cups, available only through the ATGA. Orders for MAT cups placed through other stores or sales channels will not receive the ATGA subsidy. This is a limited time offer, valid while stocks last.

What is a MAT cup?
MAT stands for Male Annihilation Technique. MAT refers to attracting male flies and killing them, before they can mate with female flies.

MAT lures come in several forms, but all contain a pheromone to attract the male flies (Cue-lure) and an insecticide to kill.

Growers will need to also apply protein baits once fruit approaches veraison, but installing MAT cups until that point helps suppress Qfly populations in vineyards and can limit losses.

How to order?
Click here to complete the order form. 

The minimum order is 100 lures (MAT cups). This is the recommended amount for five hectares. Growers who would like to place a bulk order of more than 500 MAT cups should contact us by email.



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