Perfection Fresh / Fruit Master Australia general manager export Christian Jones talks about the importance of traceability for grape growers and exporters.

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Australian table grape growers and exporters understand the value of traceability. Greater transparency benefits growers, exporters and supply chain partners, and helps build consumer trust in the journey of the product, from producer to retailer. As the producer partner in the table grape traceability pilot, Perfection Fresh / Fruit Master Australia general manager export Christian Jones discusses how – as a grower exporter, and marketer of fruit – his business is embracing new traceability practices.

#tablegrapesAU #Aussiegrapes #tablegrapestraceabilitypilot


Australian table grape growers/exporters understand that the value of traceability benefits supply chains & consumers. See how Perfection Fresh/Fruit Master Australia is embracing traceability practices as part of the #tablegrapestraceabilitypilot. #Aussiegrapes #tablegrapesAU



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